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2024-03-21 @ 08:30 – 09:30
The skip will arrive at approximately 08:30 am, dependent on weather and traffic conditions, and will leave when full so early attendance is recommended. Please note that only domestic waste will be accepted and it is requested that all waste is disposed of in a safe and orderly way.
Why is the skip not coming to bro geirionydd anymore some people do not have transport to go down the hill
Dear Marie
Thank you for your message. Members took the decision at a meeting on 8th November 2022 that given the escalating costs to the community (currently £240 per month), providing the skip at one central and easily accessible location would help ensure that each skip is used to its full capacity as it had been noted that the skip at Bro Geirionydd was often not being filled. This decision has only been put in place for the current financial year and I would ask that you and any other residents within the vicinity who are now not able to benefit from the community skip formally contact the Community Council (by letter or email) so that any correspondence received can be considered ahead of the next twelve month schedule to be agreed for 2024/25.
Kind regards,
Vikki Teasdale
Clerc a Swyddog Cyllid/Clerk and Financial Officer
Cyngor Cymuned Trefriw Community Council
Tel no: 07305 316095
Please note that my normal working hours are 9am to 1pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday/
Sylwer mai fy oriau gwaith arferol yw 9yb i 1yp dydd Mawrth, dydd Mercher a dydd Iau